Wednesday, April 5, 2023

You are here to Live...

The creation: The Lord has made us all from one root, that root is Adam and Eve. We are told that Adam and Eve were created in the image of God. God, after creating them, said, "Be fruitful and multiply" which simply means, we were created in the image of God unlike many creatures of this universe. 

The Difference: Since God created us, in His own image, we are very special. We are not like any other animal, bird or an insect but different from them. God has given us holiness, authority, power of creativity, sense of differentiating good and evil. All these qualities were not given to any other creators on this earth. God made all creatures except man and woman, out of nothing, which means without using any material but by the power of His Word. He said and it was done. 

Plan for eternity: God blessed Adam and Eve with this, You be fruitful, fill the earth and subdue it. God was Father of Adam and Eve. In His declaration of blessing, He said that you be well, enjoy life and carry on, while keeping busy with the creation. 
I like the way, God starts with Adam and Eve. He wants them to enjoy life and live here forever with the fear of God but we know, the man and woman didn't keep God's word and fell from the state where they were supposed to be. 

However, God still wanted them to live, so His Word came again to Noah, you be blessed and live here, enjoy here. So, mankind survived in and through Noah, which simply means God wanted them to live and enjoy the creation. 

Then came, Abraham, to him also God said, I will bless you, I will keep you, you will be great, I will bless you with many children. I find that God was interested in keeping His creation for long time. 

Well, finally Jesus came on the scene. He came with these words, I have come so that people may have life and live it to the fullest (Jn 10:10). He came to give life and not to punish. 

Life is precious: Well, simply put it, God wants His creation to live. He wants that all people live here on this earth and not only here but also in heaven and enjoy this eternal life. 

So dear friends, don't take your life, Life is precious, very Precius. don't kill it, don't destroy it but LIVE IT and ENJOY IT.  

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