Wednesday, April 5, 2023

You are here to Live...

The creation: The Lord has made us all from one root, that root is Adam and Eve. We are told that Adam and Eve were created in the image of God. God, after creating them, said, "Be fruitful and multiply" which simply means, we were created in the image of God unlike many creatures of this universe. 

The Difference: Since God created us, in His own image, we are very special. We are not like any other animal, bird or an insect but different from them. God has given us holiness, authority, power of creativity, sense of differentiating good and evil. All these qualities were not given to any other creators on this earth. God made all creatures except man and woman, out of nothing, which means without using any material but by the power of His Word. He said and it was done. 

Plan for eternity: God blessed Adam and Eve with this, You be fruitful, fill the earth and subdue it. God was Father of Adam and Eve. In His declaration of blessing, He said that you be well, enjoy life and carry on, while keeping busy with the creation. 
I like the way, God starts with Adam and Eve. He wants them to enjoy life and live here forever with the fear of God but we know, the man and woman didn't keep God's word and fell from the state where they were supposed to be. 

However, God still wanted them to live, so His Word came again to Noah, you be blessed and live here, enjoy here. So, mankind survived in and through Noah, which simply means God wanted them to live and enjoy the creation. 

Then came, Abraham, to him also God said, I will bless you, I will keep you, you will be great, I will bless you with many children. I find that God was interested in keeping His creation for long time. 

Well, finally Jesus came on the scene. He came with these words, I have come so that people may have life and live it to the fullest (Jn 10:10). He came to give life and not to punish. 

Life is precious: Well, simply put it, God wants His creation to live. He wants that all people live here on this earth and not only here but also in heaven and enjoy this eternal life. 

So dear friends, don't take your life, Life is precious, very Precius. don't kill it, don't destroy it but LIVE IT and ENJOY IT.  

Friday, May 29, 2020

"O Mummy where you gave me birth ?"

The evil of caste system not only effects India but also other neighboring countries. Let me share little bit about our beautiful neighboring country Nepal. I have lived there about a decade to minister to the people of Western region. As I lived, I enjoyed the delicious foods, different local cultures, but also the very sweet music. 

The music that I enjoyed was Lok Dohri (folk songs) and the contemporary compositions. If you understand Nepali music it's sweet and lovely. It touches your heart and emotions. I was touched by a composition of Yash Kumar (a lyricist and a popular singer in since 1990s). Yash Kumar's composition broke my heart and made me think, how deadly the caste system is. It has made people cry, down, of low esteem, cursing their birth, raising questions on their creator and religion. 

Listen to such an experience through this very beautifully sung very emotional song. I have put English translation of the thoughts expressed in the composition. Translation of the repeated thoughts have been avoided to save the space and time.  

Yash Kumar (Nepali famous Singer)

la la….
la la….

Ma aafnai aangan ma enar banaunchhu          (Nepali)

I’ll make a well in my own yard               (English)

Mero bhagwan lai merai chhati ma sajaun chhu

I’ll put my God, in my own heart

Ma aafnai aangar ma enar banaunchhu

I’ll make a well in my own yard

Mero bhagwan lai merai chhati ma sajaun chhu

I’ll put my God, in my own heart

Malai dhara ma rokaa, chahe mandir ma cheka

You stop me taking water from tap, 

You put barrier for me in the temple

Ma aafnai beglai sansar banaunchhu

I’ll make my own distinct world

Ah ha ha...

Jahan boli matra chha, bebahar chhaina

Where they only do lip service, but no right behavior

Jahan manchhe le manchhe lai manchhe sochin na

Where man doesn’t understand, another man, 'a man'

Ma yesto nagar ma kasari ramanunchhu

How can I be happy in this kind of town?

Tyasai le aalagai duniya sa jaunchhu

Because of that, I’ll differently decorate my own world

Aama malai kahan janma diyou

O Mummy where you gave me birth?

Yo sansar ma ma jiuna sakina

It’s hard to live here in this world

Baba malai kasto yo karam diyon

O Father, what kind of 'karma' you gave to me?

Yo duniya ma ma ramna sakina

I could not be happy in this world

(sharing with thanks to the singer and composer, in good spirit)

After reading and hearing this song, I believe you might have got the idea of this caste virus, troubling people not only in one country but even in other country. 

Ideas have consequences, we all know this truth. These ideas about "superiority" also have consequences. They also trouble Nepal's citizens. The consequences occur, many suffer social, mental, physical and economic tortures. To get a clear picture, read their news paper, watch their TV debates and shows.

Should not these men and women deserve your and mine attention?

Thank you.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Teach your children, "you are normal like any other child in the world"

A Child and his Papa got involved in talking, in an evening before going to bed. The talks they did were normal like any papa and his son or daughter communicate on normal subjects. But let's see the topic, the child chose to raise that evening: 

Child: Papa is there anything wrong with my birth or community?

Papa: No son/ daughter there's nothing wrong with you. 

Child: Then why do they look us down? 

Papa: Son it's not because there's fault or problem with your birth or caste, rather it is their faulty view that they see some problem with you. 

Child: Really papa! But I had heard from them, that I was born into a "lower caste". 

Papa: This is true that you were born in this world, your born in India (may be any other country) but it is not true that you are "low caste" and that you have a problem with your birth. 

Child: Wow! I thought I was really having some problem with my birth (caste) that's why they didn't allow me to do certain things when I was with them. 

Papa: Son, this might be true that they didn't allow certain things with you, because of your birth in my family but you were born a normal birth. Your mother had a normal delivery. Your weight was normal. Your mother carried you 9 months.  Your did cry when you were born. You gave us smiles like any other child of this world. You started eating like any other normal child. You started talking like any other child in this world. 

Child: Then Papa, why do they think, "I'm a inferior to them"  ? 

Papa: Dear child, let them think what they think. Their ancestors taught them like this. It's not the fault of the present generation. Rather it is the fault of their forefathers and their forefathers..., who taught and practiced this bad practice that some human beings are inferior to others. 

Child: But why no body told them that they were wrong, in their thought and practice, "some people are inferior than others"

Papa: Dear child, people of our society and culture were made to think, that "some are indeed inferiors than others"  through some writings and cultural mandates. It was their conspiracy against others of the society.

Child: Is it wrong Papa to believe and practice this evil ideology? 

Papa: Yes, son, this is absolutely wrong to believe and practice that some human beings are inferiors than others. For we all are equally created and raised. 

Child: Papa, if my friends ask me, about this issue (considering some inferior) how can I tell them that they are wrong. How can I correct them? 

Papa: Son this is very important question. I will say that first of all, we should know that: 
1. All human beings are born into this world in a average of 9 months period. 
2. All human beings take birth from a mother's womb. 
3. All human beings are made of the same substance/s of this world. 
4. All human beings eat the same or similar food items. 
5. All human beings survive on the same oxygen and organ system. 
6. All human beings get sick, tired, angry, happy, encouraged, discouraged. 
7. All human beings no matter what they consume as food, live here only about a hundred years. No one is special in this case. 
8. All human beings get birth, become young and then old. 
9. All human beings after all have to die, the same way (that is empty handed came and empty handed go). 
10. The Indian constitution also condemns any discrimination against other fellow human beings (citizen of our nation). 
11. True Creator (God) does not discriminate with his own creation. He treats them all equally. He does it like a father will do for his children. 

Child: I'm thankful Papa for your eye opening ideas about life. I will not consider anyone in this world as a inferior being, for we all have the same substance and nature. None is special.  

 Papa: Son, I'm happy to share with you these ideas. I believe you will live by them and be spent for them. Live like a human being. Live like any other human being. Live like an ordinary human being. 

Child: Okay Papa, I'll talk to you later on this topic.
 let's go to sleep now... 
Papa: Okay son, sleep peacefully and joyfully!  

  • (Note: Papa's talks could be with his son or with his daughter). 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Give them education and see the difference in next few years

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Dr. Mandela

Education is a very important factor in a person's life. Education plays a vital role in shaping a person or community's life. Education brings transformation in people's lives and in any community. Education gives eyes and mouth to a person and community. Prior to education, a person or community is like a blind man, who is alive but dependent on others. The blind man survives but he needs help any each moment of his life from others. The uneducated person or community is like that too. 

The Dalit and other Oppressed castes in India, also have been far behind in education. Please note it is not that they don't want to be educated but it is that they have been denied education for long now. The Manu's social system says, "education is only for the high castes" And for this reason, the lower castes were restricted from education. The door of education was closed, so these people and communities got behind in all spheres of life.  For this reason, majority of them are laborers, rickshaw pullers, sweepers, construction worker, Brick field workers, etc. 

Dr. N. Mandela a freedom fighter in South Africa realized this fact that education will change their people's future. So he asked his people to get education and he encouraged them to do anything but be literate. The literacy brought changes in the lives of the Mandela's people. They were able to understand what was their system, what were their rights and privileges etc.When those people got education, it became harder for the people who were in minority but ruling the majority.

So, it is true, in the context of the oppressed people in India. The present social organizations, our education departments and the World level organizations should make every effort to educate the Dalits and the oppressed people and their communities to uplift them. The education will change their lives and future. The education will give them new hopes to live and to grow. 

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is the best example in this age. He comes from a very poor and unprivileged community. He was denied education. He was discouraged and humiliated by his classmates and even by his teachers but he continued and became a successful man in India. He was the one who got literate and was able to write the constitution of the free India. He also said, " his people and others who got behind in the success of the modern society.

In short, I want to say that let every citizen of our country, whether he is poor or rich, of rural or metro city, from any caste, should be educated. The education will change him or her, not only that but also his or her future in a few years to come soon.  

Let me end with this quote from Dr. Nelson Mandela “No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated.”  We all should think about this, if we want our whole society to be developed.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

"You are special" Believe it.

Have you ever thought you are special on this earth? 

The Creator who created you on this earth, has not created you, without a purpose. And since you are created as a Man or a Woman, that means  you are special. You are created, as a human being that means you are special in this world! You are special in all other creation of this world. There are millions of birds, animals and insects but you rule them all. They all are under the control of the human beings.  You are the crown of the Creator's creation.

Since you are special creation of the Creator God, that simply reveals His love for you. He has a special love in His heart  for you that's why He has created you  as human beings. Being the special creation of the Creator, don't feel shy, timid, down, pessimistic, being nothing, being alone, being small in any manner. If you feel any of these feelings or you are going through any of these in your life. I would say to you, these are LIES of the Deceiver to put you down and to create problem for you. 

To counter these false ideas or comments about your life's dignity, you need to know that these are all tools of the power that works against the human beings. The fellow human beings that causes troubles for you, about your life or purpose in life, they themselves do not know what's inciting them to do so. 

You carry on life with a positive attitude. You don't be victim of the fake ideas or false perception about life.  You are special, believe this truth. Believe that you have been loved by the Creator God. You are such a beautiful creation of God. Your creation reveal that you are beautifully made.

Let me tell you that, live on this planet with this truth in mind, "I'm special" "I'm not inferior creature" "I'm the crown of the Creator's creation".  Believe these truths, live according to them and teach them to your children. Assurance of this truth will boost you to live with your head up. Take care of your positive image that you already possess. Life's challenges will be won if you know these truths, live them and teach them to your future generations.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Covid-19 and The return of laborers back to their villages

The Corona virus has brought troubles to the people worldwide. This pandemic has created problems in almost 200 countries. It means it's all over the world. People are trying to save themselves from it. The WHO and most of the countries have taken different steps to control this deadly virus. 

Our country India is also fighting against the spread of the Corona. For this reason, our PM announced an appeal for 'janta curfew' first and then 21 day 'locked down.'  Everything has stopped, no work in the factories, construction sites, hotels, restaurants. The educational institutions are closed and there is no normal activity of any kind except the movements of the essential commodities workers, their vehicles, the local admins and the medical staff all over India. This is done to stop the spread of the virus. 

Many Indians have been airlifted from other countries that were badly hit by the Corona virus. These people are a well to do ones. They are safe now in their beloved country India. Many of them are Covid-19 positive so they are isolated, quarantined and under medical treatment, which is good. 

However the problem has arisen for the daily wage earners (like construction workers, factory workers, the rickshaw pullers, the vegetable sellers, vendors, laborers that sweep, female maids, chowkidars,   workers that load and unload trucks). They don't want to stay in the cities like Delhi, Gurugram, and Mumbai etc. for 21 days or more as it is getting difficult for them to do so. 

These laborers  are common men (Aam Admi not a political party name) of India. They are mostly from oppressed class. They are SC/ST's, and Other Backward classes people They are not developed communities. They still struggle for their daily wage, and basic bread and butter (In the local language Daal and Roti). These people are most troubled these days due to locked down. They want to return to their villages so that they can spend their time with the families, go through the impact of the virus together, to eat together, to suffer together and to have a peaceful sleep under their own huts.

They are on roads, walking on foot, together with their little ones, and some important belongings.They say, they have not eaten, they have been thirsty, and many of them have been  harassed or beaten by the police. There is no bus and trains on the routes. It's all closed. 

This morning watched a video of 24 road workers, walking on foot from a hilly district, walking for two days, reached in a jungle of Tehri Gharwal, without food, they pleaded general public or authorities to help them, to reach their home, in Haridwar district, in the plains. This is one example of the huge problem. I myself called a number for them, they gave me another number for help. 

Thankful to some religious group like Sikhs, Christians, Police personals, some gurus, Kinnars (neutral genders), and others who have engaged to feed the some of these "mazboor" (helpless) people.  Kudos to such good Samaritans!

But the question can be raised here, if our government could airlift Indians from the foreign countries why it can't help these poor and common citizens to reach their destinations within the country? Does it cost more than those who have been brought from outside? Are they not important people? Are they not helping the country's development? Have they not voted for the same candidates of our Parliament? Could our rulers have not paid attention to the needs of these workers? The Govt. must be having all the data of the laborers, so they should be kept in mind before announcing the locked down? 

The law enforcement on the locked down is good in the interest  of the whole nation. Everyone must be willing to listen to the authorities but before taking a such strict step, the cost should be counted. Otherwise it gives a picture, some are important while others are not. 

I wish that these laborers get proper attention by all the responsible people. And that they are taken proper care for food, water, proper mode of travel, residence, and necessary medical check ups.      

Monday, March 23, 2020

Has God created you like this?

When you meet people from the oppressed communities, you will often hear from them, "Bhagwan ne hamen eisa hee bayaya hai..." which means "God has created us like this only" So, they blame on god for every poor, illiteracy, unjust and bad condition. Which at first looks like they are saying it right. 

However, I want to share this thought that God didn't make us like that. God didn't make us poor, unjust and in low conditions but it is the the perverted mind of the some, who have made others in poor and lowly conditions. It is the selfish desire of some who can't see others happy as they are. It is their 'careful crafted stories' that some people have been sent on this earth with a lowly status and poor dignity.Through these 'careful crafted stories' they try to trap fellow human beings and make their lives miserable. 

No one has the right, to blame the fellow human beings that it's because of their birth in certain families, castes, creed or region that you will have poor, unjust, miserable lives. They are wrong in this kind of understanding. They need to change it. They need to have a perspective that others are also their fellow human beings. And since they are all like them with one head, one mouth, two ears, one chest, two hands, one stomach, two legs, and two feet, They also came from their mother's womb after 9 months, so what makes one higher and other lower? This is absolutely nonsense to say, someone God made you like that so you have to live like that for all the years of life. 

And the Oppressed also need to understand that they should not believe anything said and propagated by the crafty people. They need to understand that they are also having the same privilege of this world like the air, sun, light, water, breath of life etc. and they should make a good use of these resources. They also need to learn it that if God had ever made them poor, underprivileged, lowly, unjust conditions then He will not supply those natural resources equally for them. 

So, friends learn to say, God didn't make us poor, lowly, unjust, and unprivileged but some crafty people, careful crafted stories and certain cercumstances made them like that. And they need to oppose those ideas, philosophy and try to create equal opportunities for them and their future generations. 

So, Be Wise and learn what this world is trying to say and do for you and for your children.