Monday, March 23, 2020

Has God created you like this?

When you meet people from the oppressed communities, you will often hear from them, "Bhagwan ne hamen eisa hee bayaya hai..." which means "God has created us like this only" So, they blame on god for every poor, illiteracy, unjust and bad condition. Which at first looks like they are saying it right. 

However, I want to share this thought that God didn't make us like that. God didn't make us poor, unjust and in low conditions but it is the the perverted mind of the some, who have made others in poor and lowly conditions. It is the selfish desire of some who can't see others happy as they are. It is their 'careful crafted stories' that some people have been sent on this earth with a lowly status and poor dignity.Through these 'careful crafted stories' they try to trap fellow human beings and make their lives miserable. 

No one has the right, to blame the fellow human beings that it's because of their birth in certain families, castes, creed or region that you will have poor, unjust, miserable lives. They are wrong in this kind of understanding. They need to change it. They need to have a perspective that others are also their fellow human beings. And since they are all like them with one head, one mouth, two ears, one chest, two hands, one stomach, two legs, and two feet, They also came from their mother's womb after 9 months, so what makes one higher and other lower? This is absolutely nonsense to say, someone God made you like that so you have to live like that for all the years of life. 

And the Oppressed also need to understand that they should not believe anything said and propagated by the crafty people. They need to understand that they are also having the same privilege of this world like the air, sun, light, water, breath of life etc. and they should make a good use of these resources. They also need to learn it that if God had ever made them poor, underprivileged, lowly, unjust conditions then He will not supply those natural resources equally for them. 

So, friends learn to say, God didn't make us poor, lowly, unjust, and unprivileged but some crafty people, careful crafted stories and certain cercumstances made them like that. And they need to oppose those ideas, philosophy and try to create equal opportunities for them and their future generations. 

So, Be Wise and learn what this world is trying to say and do for you and for your children. 


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